
Hi I'm Lindsey Hughes

I worry a lot about the Apocalypse

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

I worry a lot about the Apocalypse. I think it's a combination of my vivid imagination and growing up in the waning days of the Cold War when nuclear annihilation felt a breath away.

I cracked up when my sister gave me the book This Won’t Help: Modest Proposals for a More Enjoyable Apocalypse by Eli Grober. Talk about hitting the nail on the doomsday bunker! Does she get me or what?

This gem of a book sits on my nightstand, a beacon of absurdity in the sea of existential dread. It reminds me of the unstoppable power of imagination to create dire situations and belly laughs. We're talking about a brain that can conjure up post-apocalyptic survival skills or imagine a world where cockroaches have evolved into our landlords.

There's something oddly liberating about using your fears as fodder for creative projects. Next time you find yourself fretting about something, whether it's a reasonable concern or a 'zombie-aliens-taking-over-the-world' level of unreasonable, try writing it down. Turn it into a story, a poem, a comic strip, or even a song. Who knows? Your next big worry might just be the muse you never knew you needed.

Welcome to my world, where the looming Apocalypse is less of a nightmare and more of a writing prompt! And that, my fellow worriers and warriors, is how you turn The End into just another chapter in your creatively chaotic life.



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Hi I'm Lindsey Hughes

AKA the Pitch Master!

Hi, I’m Lindsey. I love helping people discover their superpower, create compelling content, and feel excited about pitching and networking. I teach people how to pitch like a boss, network like a VIP, and write like an Oscar winner. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for actionable creativity and career tips.

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