Let's celebrate!

Hi Reader,

This past Sunday May 19 was the Pitch Master Newsletter's 2nd birthday! Woo hoo! To celebrate here are the five most popular newsletters for the past year.

Why You Should Write at the Car Wash

Sometimes when you are searching for inspiration, try changing location.

How the World's Worst Writer Can Inspire You

Keeler wrote over a hundred pulp novels (mostly detective stories) from the 1920s to the 1950s and is remembered for being a terrible writer with convoluted plots and crazy dialogue.

Everyone Loves a Happy Ending

Most movies and books have happy endings. The lovers get together; the bad guys are caught; the wrongly accused get their justice. In the world of entertainment, tragedies are rare. The real world is hard, and that’s why entertainment thrives. It takes us away from our troubles.

How Not to Worry about the Apocalypse

I worry a lot about the Apocalypse.

A Day Job Can Make You More Creative

If you have a day job or a side hustle to support yourself while you create, you are not a failure!

Keep creating and see you next week!

In Case You Missed It

Using Family Stories as Inspiration

Using Good News to Reconnect

Social Media: Posting with Purpose



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Hi I'm Lindsey Hughes

Hi, I’m Lindsey. I love helping people discover their superpower, create compelling content, and feel excited about pitching and networking. I teach people how to pitch like a boss, network like a VIP, and write like an Oscar winner. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for actionable creativity and career tips.

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