Hi It’s that time of year again—November is just around the corner, which means one thing in the writing world: NaNoWriMo! For the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, a wild, caffeine-fueled sprint where writers across the globe challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Yeah, you heard that right. It's like a marathon, but with word counts and deadlines. And victory dances! Why Writers Love NaNoWriMoFor many writers, NaNoWriMo is a gateway to unleashing creativity and breaking through blocks. It gives people structure and goals to start writing their first (or fiftieth) novel. It’s not about perfection but creating momentum. Many novelists get their start during NaNoWriMo and go on to full time writing careers. Others begin a novel every year in November. This is a true writing sprint, with the only focus on getting words on the page. Screenwriters call this step the vomit draft. For novelists, the focus of NaNoWriMo is to write without that inner critic. Write as fast and as long without stopping to rewrite. NaNoWriMo is the perfect time to write that story you've always wanted to tell or turn one of your screenplays into a novel. If you're a screenwriter who isn't interested in writing fiction, use the time to get out a vomit draft of your next project. (A 120 page screenplay has approximately 20,000 words.) Another plus, NaNoWriMo is a community-powered event. You get to share your wins, struggles, and possibly existential dread with other writers who understand. Think of it as summer camp, but with more typing and fewer mosquitoes. Thousands of people write novels in November. There are lively discussions on social media. Groups get together and write every day, either in person or online. It is cool knowing you are not the only one plodding at your keyboard. The NaNoWriMo How-To GuideOctober is Prep MonthTo set yourself up for success in November, spend October planning your story. If you are a hardcore plotter, outline away! If you are more of a pantser, think in broad strokes about your story. Here are some things everyone should focus on in October, so they're not caught staring at a blinking cursor.
To help you prep for NaNoWriMo, I'm holding two free online office hours this month. I will talk for 15 minutes and then take questions about prepping or any other subject. The first one will be Thursday October 10th 6:00 PM PST. The subject will be writing compelling characters. Please sign up for Writing Compelling Characters here. The second will be Thursday October 24th 6:00 PM PST about writing point of view. Set Manageable Daily GoalsThe magic number to hit 50K is 1,667 words a day. But hey, life happens. Give yourself some flexibility by writing more on weekends or your “good days,” so the odd off-day doesn’t derail you. When do you write best? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Schedule your writing time for the month when you are the most creative. Consider giving up television and social media for the month to give you more time to write. Let your friends and family know your writing goals and that you will not be as available. Tip: Use the Pomodoro Technique for focused writing sprints. Make Write First, Edit Later Your MantraNaNoWriMo isn’t about crafting a Pulitzer-worthy piece. It’s about getting the words on the page and building your writing habit. That annoying inner editor whispering about grammar? Silence it! You can fix plot holes, clunky dialogue, and character inconsistencies after November. Your draft might be a hot mess. It’s okay! In fact, it’s supposed to be. That’s what revisions are for. If your story takes weird twists, let it. If you switch point-of-view halfway through, roll with it. The freedom of NaNo is exhilarating. Embracing it will lead you to unexpected creative breakthroughs. Tip: If you find yourself stuck, write silly filler. Have your character argue with their cat, insert a dramatic sword fight (even if you're writing a contemporary rom-com), or just write [Something interesting happens here] and move on. Tip: Use [brackets] to write notes to yourself about things you’re going to come back and fix. When you’re editing, you can search for the brackets. Tip: If you’re feeling stuck, go on a “plot walk”. Sometimes a brisk stroll is all it takes to get those ideas flowing again! Join the NaNo CommunityOne of the best parts of NaNoWriMo is that you don’t have to go it alone! There are: · Forums to chat with other participants. · Write-ins (virtual or IRL) to motivate you with the collective energy of other writers tapping away. · Social Media (X, Discord, etc.) full of encouragement, funny memes, and people who understand why you’re both excited and slightly terrified. Tip: Make a NaNo buddy or two and do word sprints together, either in person or online. Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like a little friendly competition.
Self-Care Is KeyDesign your writing space to be comfortable and inspirational. Make sure you have a supportive chair to keep your back strong. Tip: Make a mood board for your project and put it over your desk. Writing for 30 days straight can be a mental and physical challenge. So: · Take stretch breaks (your neck and back will thank you). · Drink lots of water (words need hydration, too). · Get sleep (no one writes well on zero energy). It’s All About ProgressRemember, every word you write is a step forward. Whether or not you hit 50,000 words, NaNoWriMo is a chance to push yourself, explore your creativity, and remind yourself that you’re capable of incredible things. No one expects you to walk away with a perfect novel, but everyone can walk away with more words than they started with—and a sense of accomplishment. In Case You Missed ItHow to Find Your Writers Voice Try New Things to Boost Your Creativity Cheers, Lindsey Thanks for reading! You can share this article here. Was it useful? Help us to improve! With your feedback, we can improve the letter. Click on a link to vote: 👍 That helped me. Thanks - 😐 Meh - was ok. - 👎 Not interesting to me. |
Hi, I’m Lindsey. I love helping people discover their superpower, create compelling content, and feel excited about pitching and networking. I teach people how to pitch like a boss, network like a VIP, and write like an Oscar winner. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for actionable creativity and career tips.
Hi Reader, The holiday season is the perfect time for inspiration. Infuse your writing with joy, magic, and maybe a sprinkle of holiday chaos. Whether you’re neck-deep in revisions or crafting your next bestseller, let’s have some fun decking the halls of your story with festive analogies for key story beats. Here’s how to turn your plot into a holiday wonderland: 1. The Inciting Incident: The Christmas Tree Reveal 🎄 Remember that magical moment when the family unveils the perfectly decorated...
Hi Reader, My Christmas gift to you is a free ebook that has the past three years of newsletters about writing craft. It's called Write On: Story Secrets Every Writer Needs, and you can download it here. This is my new reader (lead) magnet that I use to build my email list. How to Build your E-Mail list with a Reader Magnet One essential aspect of the creator life is an email newsletter. It is a powerful tool for building a connection with fans and customers. As a writer, your email list is...
Hi Reader, It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Holiday time is a lot of fun. The downside is that things slow down until mid-January. This is a great time to take a break from writing and refresh. You can still have a low key, but productive December by working on your craft. Below are some of my favorite podcasts, video channels, and books for writers. While I divided them into screenwriting and fiction, story is story. No matter what kind of project you are working on, you will...