Stop the Self-Doubt: Yes, You ARE a Real Writer!

Hi Reader,

I heard from the reader that she found last week’s discussion of goals, motivation, and conflict (GMC) useful. Her exact words were, “I’m not a writer, but I’m working on a story.” My response was, if she is telling a story, she is writing!

Time again I run across writers who are embarrassed to call themselves writers. This insecurity stems from many stories we tell ourselves:

· I'm not a real writer because I haven't sold a script.

· I'm not a real writer because I haven't published a book.

· I'm not a real writer because I’m independently published.

· I'm not a real writer because I don't have an agent.

· I'm not a real writer because I haven't gotten the movie made.

· I'm not a real writer because I only have one book.

· I'm not a real writer because I haven't made any money from my writing.

The list goes on and on. I was guilty of this habit, thinking I’m not a real writer because I haven’t written (finished) a novel. But then I realized I had written thousands of words for this newsletter! I took my advice and now I introduce myself as a writing coach and a writer. I published my first book last year, a compilation of my first year of newsletters, and I will publish a book aimed at screenwriters next month. Stay tuned for the official announcement next week!

When I hear all these excuses, I always reply, “you are a writer because you are writing!” That is the beautiful thing about writing. Unlike actors, directors, and singers, you don't need anyone’s permission to write. No one has to hire you or fund a giant production for you to write. You don't even need fancy equipment. You can write with a pen and paper. If you are writing or if you have written a project, you are a writer!

Be excited to introduce yourself as a writer. For years, I went to three networking events a week. And I never once met a writer who didn't sheepishly introduce himself as one. Be proud and excited about what you do. With a straight spine and a big smile, say hello, I am a writer. I write [these kinds of] books or [these kinds of] movies. Your writer logline is powerful!

When you identify as a writer, amazing things will happen. You will become more confident, more creative, and more productive. You will attract opportunities and meet people who can help you build your career. You are a storyteller; don't be afraid to tell your own story.

Let me know how this new perspective changes things!

Helpful Things

The hurricane put me behind. I meant to share this last week as part of Comic Con prep. Check out my convention survival guide.

In Case You Missed It

GMC: Goals Motivation Conflict

Inspiration from a Hurricane

Prioritizing Freedom in Your Career



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Hi I'm Lindsey Hughes

Hi, I’m Lindsey. I love helping people discover their superpower, create compelling content, and feel excited about pitching and networking. I teach people how to pitch like a boss, network like a VIP, and write like an Oscar winner. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for actionable creativity and career tips.

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