Your Childhood Literary Heroes

Hi Reader,

Idea Generator #2 – Childhood Literary Heroes

My parents are reorganizing their library and grabbed a bunch of books from the donation pile. The prize was Nancy Drew mysteries from the 1960s. They are a great addition to my collection of 10 first edition Nancy Drews from the 30s. Did you know that Nancy Drew has been solving mysteries since the 1930s? Although the original series ended in 2003, more modern versions have continued. She is the original girl detective.

Thanks to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys children having adventures and solving mysteries is a booming genre. What is the 2024 version of Nancy Drew? And why hasn't Hollywood been able to make a good modern Nancy Drew? I would love to read it and watch it!

Think about your favorite books when you were a kid. What would be the adult version of those stories? A contemporary version? Or maybe you could set them in a new time period like the Revolutionary War? If you're searching for an idea, look at your childhood bookshelf and use it for inspiration.

In Case You Missed It

Let's Celebrate!

Idea Generator #1: Family Stories

Using Good News to Reconnect



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Hi I'm Lindsey Hughes

Hi, I’m Lindsey. I love helping people discover their superpower, create compelling content, and feel excited about pitching and networking. I teach people how to pitch like a boss, network like a VIP, and write like an Oscar winner. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for actionable creativity and career tips.

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